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local colour (文藝作品的)鄉土色彩,地方色彩。

local court

Hong kong artists are not unaffected by this heady brew : constantly searching for their chinese roots while absorbing the exciting new spirit of the times , they aim at innovation and change and are today shaping a unique art that is redolent of a global vision yet steeped in local colour 香港藝術家向亦致力在中國文化中尋根,同時亦吸收新時代的精神,在創作上銳意求新,積極改革,形成富于地域色彩的獨特藝術天地。

In his novels “ elsie venner “ , “ the guardian angel “ and “ a mortal antipathy “ he mingles light - hearted local colour with themes that could be of great significances 在他的小說《艾爾西文納》 《守護天使》和《致命的反感》里,他把輕松的地方色彩摻入可能具有重大意義的主題。

In his novels “ elsie venner “ , “ the guardian angel “ and “ a mortal antipathy “ he mingles light - hearted local colour with themes that could be of great significances 在他的小說《艾爾西?文納》 《守護天使》和《致命的反感》里,他把輕松的地方色彩摻入可能具有重大意義的主題。

We can write a general description using any of the guide books to the place , but we shall have to send a reporter there if we want to include some local colour 我們可根據任何一本導游書寫出那地方的大致情況,但如果要加進地方色彩的話,我們還得派一個記者去那里。

The description of the town lacked any local colour that would have let you know what it ' s like to live there 對那個城市的描寫缺乏地方色彩,因此你無法知道生活在那里是怎樣一番景象。

Many states in america hold some festive activities with strong local colour around new year ' s day 在美國,許多州在元旦期間都會舉行極富地方色彩的慶祝活動。

Retention of the local colour of the community and the historical characteristics of different districts 保留有關社區的原有地方色彩和不同地區的歷史特色。

Whey , hello . i didn ' t expect to see you in this place . looking for local colour , i suppose 喂,你好!沒想到在這兒碰到你。你是出來尋找地方色彩的吧?

Anti - urban cultural complex of writers describing on local colour in comtemporary 當代鄉土作家的反城市文化情結

In his novels “elsie venner“, “the guardian angel“ and “a mortal antipathy“ he mingles light-hearted local colour with themes that could be of great significances . 在他的小說《艾爾西文納》《守護天使》和《致命的反感》里,他把輕松的地方色彩摻入可能具有重大意義的主題。